(863) 324-4654


There are no career openings at this time. If you are interested in joining our talented team of harvesting professionals, please submit your resume to info@overlookharvesting.com and we will be happy to review it as positions become available.

Notice Regarding Placement Fees

No person is authorized on behalf of Overlook Harvesting Company, LLC to require that you pay a monetary fee of any amount to any person who may have assisted you in obtaining your visa to come to the United States for temporary work in agriculture.   Requests for such placement fees are prohibited by applicable United States law. Should you be hired for seasonal employment, earnings for your work at Overlook Harvesting are yours to keep, and no person is authorized on behalf of Overlook Harvesting to require that you provide them any portion of your weekly earnings.

If anyone requests that you pay to them any amount of money to be placed for possible employment with Overlook Harvesting, you should simply tell them “No,” and report such inappropriate demands to appropriate representatives of law enforcement.



Ninguna persona está autorizada en nombre de Overlook Harvesting Company, LLC para exigir que pague una tarifa monetaria de ningún monto a ninguna persona que pueda haberlo ayudado a obtener su visa para viajar a los Estados Unidos para trabajar temporalmente en la agricultura. Las solicitudes de dichas tarifas de reclutamiento están prohibidas por la ley aplicable de los Estados Unidos. Si lo contratan para un empleo temporal, las ganancias por su trabajo en Overlook Harvesting son suyas y ninguna persona está autorizada en nombre de Overlook Harvesting para exigirle que les proporcione una parte de sus ganancias semanales.

Si alguien le solicita que le pague cualquier cantidad de dinero para colocarla en un posible empleo con Overlook Harvesting, simplemente debe decirle “No” e informar tales exigencias inapropiadas a los representantes apropiados de la ley.